Dear Uncle Don
I will always be grateful for the love and support you and Aunt Bea always showed me, particularly when my father died. Your house is always remembered as a place of love and fun. When we were young, it was so exciting to go to your house "in the country" and along the way see horses and cows. I have many memories of things I did with you and Aunt Bea, and stories you have shared along the way. Rest In Peace with Aunt Bea.
Love Chris, Jim and Brendon
So sorry for your loss. My deepest condolences to the family.
Uncle Don, you exemplified the word Godfather when you and Aunt Bea took me in for a summer as a teenager when I was too much to handle for my parents. I always felt loved and you seemed to see into my soul in a way that I knew without words that you understood where I was at. I did not feel judged and I will be forever grateful for that. You were quite a character thats for sure and I think I got some of your stubborness to name one character trait, but I choose to call steadfastness lol. Be in peace Uncle Don. You live forever in my heart.
Uncle Don, I always have had some of the greatest memories of you, from the holiday family gatherings hosting with the utmost generosity. You taught me the value of good hand-shake when greeting someone or just saying hello. I see a lot of people everyday and not one encounter go's by without the firm hand-shake you instilled in me. Their are so many other values you instilled in me, especially the importance of family. I know you are now with Aunt Bea.
Love always
Jason Wilson
My dear brother Don. You were 9 years older than me .and I was told you were not too happy when I came along taking attention away from you but finally you had to accept me as I was not going away.You started to pay attention to me and started to love me .You always looked out for me giving advise when needed. Larry and I and children Chris (godson) Shawn and Jayson have fond memories of getting together for special occasions enjoying lots of good food and fellowship. You were a kind man always helping and supporting when needed. I loved our talks on the phone in the last few years .Our last visit together we hugged so hard and long and felt the love from your heart to mine and know you felt the love I had for you. I will miss you terribly but glad no more pain and suffering and will join your beloved wife Bea Joanie our sister and parents and others. You will always be here in spirit and watch over us .Love you Sister Carol Larry and family
He was the best neighbour/ 3rd grandfather a girl could have. So lucky to have grown up next door to Don and Bea, and to have the Wolan family become our family. We will miss you lots, Don. And sending lots of love and hugs to the whole family.
The news of Don's passing has hurt beyond words. I have known Don (and Bea) for about 30 years having met them first in Puerto Vallarta Mexico where they, myself and my late wife Odette were vacationing. It was an instant friendship which only grew. The four of us went to Acapulco about 10 years later as "an anniversary" trip. There were many visits both at their home and in Kingston where we lived over the years. Don and I made a bet once that Roger Clemens who had just joined the Jays would win 20 games the first year. I said yes, he said no, I won and the next time they were in Kingston he paid the $50.00 bet all in PENNIES!! That was Don and that's why we loved him. Both Don and I lost our wives, but had the wonderful memories to recall over the years.
To Chere, Em and all the family, our deepest condolences and love, Charles O'Neill and Ann.