To Marlene's Family...............
I am so sorry to hear of Marlene's passing. I first met Marlene as a teenager and our paths have continued to cross over the years. She was a special lady and I know you all have wonderful warm memories to live on in your hearts for the years to come. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.
Lucy Marco
Hi to our family in the East from Iceland, we just finished watching the service and we are still in shock at the passing of our Aunt Marlene. As you know Marlene was special to us as well, her frequent trips to the West where she would stay and visit afforded us all ample opportunity to get to know her better than most of our other aunts and uncles. I got to spend mom and dads recent anniversary with Marlene, Margaret Rose, and Kathy and Roy Little. She will be missed. Our thoughts are with you as you come to terms with the passing of this great lady who engaged and enriched us all - love Mark & Lisa Conacher
Robertson clan please take care of other. I got to know the Eastern family much better when Aunt Marlene took me under her wing in the summer of 93. She was a special lady and for some reason thought the world of me. I’ll miss her.
Love to you all, Quinn
Words cannot truly express how saddened I was to hear of the loss of my dear friend.
Marlene was a beautiful soul and someone I truly admired. I'm honored and grateful for the time I had with this amazing woman. I will always treasure our memories, her kindness and that beautiful smile. She was truly a blessing and I will hold her in my heart forever. My sincerest condolences to Marlene's family and friends.
My heart is with you in this time of sorrow.
Remembered with love
Jeanette Kara
No words can describe the pain I'm feeling right now I have tears running down my face just thinking about you. I look back at your last text to me just over 2 weeks ago saying how proud you were of me and you loved me. When I think of you Auntie I remember my childhood in your backyard swimming in my favorite pool, thr times when the limniatis family would come up for Christmas where some of the best memories that ill tresuer. I never felt more at home then when I was at your house. I feel like I lost my second mother. You were always in my corner and someone who never judged me and for that I will never forget you. I love you auntie so much ❤
Love always and forever
Jamie and family
So very sad to hear of Marlene's passing. She was a special person and had become a good friend. My heartfelt prayers and warmest sympathy to all of those that loved her so dearly.
I am still in shock and in disbelief that she is gone. My Auntie Marlene was one of a kind individual. She was so smart and educated.She was the nicest and kindest person u would ever meet. I’ll never forget spending my early childhood. Christmas with u they were my favourite of all time. All the presents and food (especially that cheese sauce ) they were my fondest childhood memories that I ll never forget Auntie. U were always a person I could rely on all. U were the best big sister my mom could ever have.You have left a lasting imprint on everyone u have come across. U may be gone but will never be forgotten. U r in my heart forever Auntie I love u forever.
Nick Limniatis and family

Jamie, Kathy, Hayden & Julia,
We were so very sorry to hear of your mom and grandma’s passing. We hope that the amazing memories that you have will bring you some comfort and peace. We are so blessed to have known her; she was always so welcoming to us!
All our love,
Cathy, Taylor& Kaitlyn
Deepest heartfelt sympathy and condolences to the family of Marlene. She was a big support as a treasurer of the CARP, Brantford Chapter and truly a remarkable person with always a cheerful personality. Marlene will be missed by all of us at CARP (Canadian Association of Retired Persons).
Rest in Peace Marlene!
My deepest and heartfelt condolences to the family. Marlene was a wonderful person and a true advocate for those living with mental illness. She was instrumental in starting the Family Support Program at CMHA and was a mentor to me, as well as a friend. I still haven’t grasped the fact that she’s gone. I keep re-reading texts and emails from Marlene just received last week, with much sadness. Such a tremendous loss. I will miss her.
Rest In Peace Marlene.
Sadness fills my heart as I have to say farewell to the dearest, kindest, sweetest person it was my good fortune to call my friend.
Always a kind word, a friendly smile, lots of laughs and someone we could share our innermost thoughts together. I will miss you, my friend .... you will forever be in my thoughts, prayers and heart. Until we meet again, share a glass of wine, know that I cherished you and the wonderful friendship we shared. Love you.
Heartfelt thoughts go out to your family as we share the loss of mother, sister, aunt, grandmother, FRIEND!
I am so very sorry to hear of your moms passing. Lots of special memories around your backyard pool where she and your dad welcomed me and my children with open arms. Many BBQs, beverages and laughs are fondly remembered. May she Rest In Peace. Margaret