Sure there is sadness when someone goes, but Ed left behind a large heap of good memories. Few people gave life as good a run as Ed did. We met when our wives became fast friends. We travelled together often. I remember being co-pilot for many hours in CF-RRF and spending time at the cottage on Soyers Lake. There were some memorable trips up and down the Trent system on a huge houseboat. Ed and I took gourmet cooking classes where he drove the instructor nuts by adding alcohol to all his recipes. It was sometimes aggravating but always fun being around Ed and a privilege to have been witness to Susan, Kathleen and Jym growing up and heading out on their own. There were many New Years eve dinners in front of the fireplace at the house on Mount Pleasant. I am sure that June, (and Barb), will be glad to see him. All the best to you three.