I would like to pass on my deepest sympathy to you Nikki and the Leonowen Family in the passing of your mother.
I had the opportunity to watch the webcast today and found the service so heartwarming. I could feel the love in the room from start to finish. There were many wonderful tributes to your mom and of course they were well deserved.
I am sure that you will dearly miss her and her continued guidance.
May God bless you during this difficult time with love, prayer, devotion and reflection.
God loves you always and so do I.
Ted Stam
From Sandy (East Ward N. transit rider)
Nikki and family: I am so sorry to hear of your mom's passing. Nikki, the care that you gave to your parents speaks volumes of the caring person that you are. I am sorry you have to experience grief during this time when we can't be with those we love to support us. Hopefully we will get a chance to talk soon.
With working for VON I had the pleasure of caring for Jackie and Ray while they were still living in their own home. I was able to learn how Jackie and Ray met, their working years while still raising their lovely family, their (definitely one of a kind lol) personalities, how Jackie beat cancer among many many other things. We shared lunches together, little mini road trips ( shhhh wasn't supposed to do that lol) I even spent a few Christmas mornings with them ( of course I was working), or some days Jackie and I would sit on the back deck with the dogs on nice summer days and just talk for hours about anything and everything. For me going into peoples homes can sometimes be very uncomfortable, I never felt that way Jackie, Ray and their amazing kids ALWAYS made me feel like I was family there and always welcomed, which makes my job easier and much more enjoyable. I very much miss Ray and Jackie and our long talks. Im sure she is back with Ray now happy as can be with the love of her life. To the family... I am so so sorry for your loss, the world is such a better place for having had Jackie in it!!