Gini Giacomelli
Friday, March 5, 2010
Bill and Linda, My condolances to you on the passing of your mother. I wanted to let you know, that over the years, as I drive up Waterdown Rd. in Burlington and pass the house you lived in oh so many years ago, that I would think about Mary. I remember her blond hair, big eyes and bright smile. She was always a joy to visit and it's wonderful that she was able to enjoy a long life and that you were able to share that with her. Your memories will always be with you. Gini Giacomelli
Stephen Booth
Friday, March 5, 2010
I remember Mary from the time she rode up to the group campground at Wasaga Beach in Bill's camoflaughed '63 Breezeway Mercury. She was alway fussing after us when we visited at the house on Waterdown Rd.