Obituary of Glenn Palmer
Please share a memory of Glenn to include in a keepsake book for family and friends.
Glenn left us peacefully at the age of 71 on December 16th, 2024 to be in the arms of our lord.
Predeceased by his dearest, most loving wife Roza, Glenn also leaves behind 4 glorious children. All loved by Glenn, yet all individuals, Jennifer, Julie, Kristy and Christopher (Brittany). He also leaves behind 7 grandchildren Breanna (Jordan), Gabriella, Sophia, Madelyn, Cashlin, Chloe and Sydney and 5 great grandchildren Noah, Avery, Daxton, Henri and Daphne.
Everything Glenn did in his life he loved doing. He worked for over 20 years in retail footwear with Maher as well as 5 years at Eaton’s. From the bottom to the top, he was considered one of the top performers.
Glenn then chose to switch roles with predeceased wife, Jeannie Palmer, to stay home with their two children Kristy and Christopher and was loving that until he took ill with an incurable mental Health illness which he battled right up until his death.
Glenn’s love, you could say, were his children, working, and let’s not forget music. Back in the 70’s Glenn performed as a singer and guitar player in a band called Reflections for 11 yrs which at the time was well known. Glenn has struggled most of his life with mental health issues, which made things very difficult for him with work as well as his relationships. Regardless of those struggles, he was able to achieve what he did. Glenn left behind a legacy with his 4 children who all had complicated relationships with him but will miss him and loved him very much.
Glenn will be missed by the ones who liked or loved him and probably by a few who didn’t.
Cremation has taken place, and a celebration of life will take place on Friday, December 27th, visitation at 10 am, chapel service at 11:00 am
Donations to any Animal Shelter in honour of Glenn’s wife Roza.
Visitation 1
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Friday, December 27, 2024
Beckett-Glaves Family Funeral Centre
88 Brant Avenue
Brantford, Ontario, Canada
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Service Information
11:00 am
Friday, December 27, 2024
Beckett-Glaves Family Funeral Centre
88 Brant Avenue
Brantford, Ontario, Canada
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Online Memory & Photo Sharing Event
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About this Event
In Loving Memory
Glenn Palmer
1953 - 2024
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Family and friends are coming together online to create a special keepsake. Every memory left on the online obituary will be automatically included in this book.